Inch-lbs to Foot-lbs

Easily convert inch-pounds to foot-pounds with our user-friendly conversion calculator, chart, and comprehensive guide with formula.

Inch-pounds (in-lbs) and foot-pounds (ft-lbs) are units used to measure torque.

Inch-pounds are smaller units of torque, while foot-pounds are larger.

Conversion Factor

To convert between inch-pounds (in-lbs) and foot-pounds (ft-lbs):

Formula: 1 foot-pound (ft-lb) = 12 inch-pounds (in-lbs).

  • To convert from foot-pounds (ft-lbs) to inch-pounds (in-lbs), you multiply by 12.
  • To convert from inch-pounds (in-lbs) to foot-pounds (ft-lbs), you divide by 12.

Example 1: Converting from foot pounds to inch pounds: 18 ft-lbs x 12 = 216 in-lbs.

Example 2: Converting from inch pounds to foot pounds: 200 in-lbs / 12 = 16.67 ft-lbs.


Inch-lbs to Foot-lbs Converter

Easy Converter

Enter one number, get the other

Inch to Foot lbs Chart


Inch-Pounds (in-lbs)Foot-Pounds (ft-lbs)
12" lbs1' lbs
24" lbs2' lbs
36" lbs3' lbs
48" lbs4' lbs
60" lbs5' lbs
72" lbs6' lbs
84" lbs7' lbs
96" lbs8' lbs
108" lbs9' lbs
120" lbs10' lbs
144" lbs12' lbs
180" lbs15' lbs
240" lbs20' lbs
300" lbs25' lbs
360" lbs30' lbs
480" lbs40' lbs
600" lbs50' lbs
1200" lbs100' lbs


in lb to ft lb

Converting in lb to ft lb is achieved by dividing the value by 12. A foot-pound torque wrench can be adapted for inch-pounds.

Finger-tight torque typically falls within the 5-10 lb range. Human hand tightening strength varies, with a maximum ballpark range of 15-30 lb-ft.

The torque a human leg can produce depends on strength but generally ranges from 50-200 lb-ft. Using a torgue wrench is preferable because it is more precise than human "guessing".

Inch lbs to Foot lbs Conversion Factor

What is a Torque Wrench?

A torque wrench is a specialized tool designed to apply a specific amount of torque or rotational force to fasteners, ensuring they are tightened to a precise level of tightness or tension.

Precision Matters

Precision matters when dealing with manufacturer torque specifications for your machinery. Go too tight and the fastener breaks, too loose and the component may fail.

Many equipment manuals and torque wrenches provide torque values in foot-pounds, while you might be more comfortable with inch-pounds. Conversion to the measurement system you are comfortable with is acceptable.

Tightening bolts and nuts to the right specifications may prevent possibly catastrophic component failure. Take the time to double check your settings to avoid making a mistake.


Example: Torquing Engine Bolts

A person using a torque wrench to torque a head bolt.

When working on engines of any size you might encounter a torque specification or recommendation.

If your torque wrench reads in inch-pounds but the recommendation is 20 foot-lbs, set it to 240 in-lbs (20 ft-lbs x 12) to achieve the correct torque.

Additionally, the specs may request several different values. These values typically request that you follow a torque pattern, and go back to tighten them afterwards.

Example: head bolts require that you tighten them in a cross-pattern, first to one value, then a higher value. This is to avoid warping or cracking the component, a cylinder head in this example.

Now that you've got the basics of converting inch-pounds to foot-pounds, and vice versa, you can confidently tackle maintenance tasks on your lawn mower, car engine, and other machinery.

Remember, precision is key to keeping your equipment running smoothly and efficiently.


Additional Resources

If your torque wrench needs to switch between a metric and standard socket, use the socket size conversion chart to find the right size socket for your bolt quickly.