Lawn Mower Life Expectancy

The average residential lawn mower is used to cut grass once per week for 1-2 hours per mowing session.

With an Average of 35 cuts per mowing season, a lawn mower is typically used for 50-55 hours per mowing season.

A well-maintained lawn mower, with average yearly hours operated, lasts for 8 to 10 years, or 400-550 hours of use.

Keep reading for tips on how to get up to 20 years from your mower, possibly longer.


Life Expectancy of a Lawn Mower

Lawn Mower Lifespan

On average, a well-maintained lawn mower will last between eight and ten years before needing repairs.

Neglecting your lawn mower can significantly reduce its lifespan to around four to five years, while abusive use may result in a mere two years of service.

Properly maintaining the lawn mower's oil is essential for ensuring an extended lifespan and optimal performance throughout its usage.

Gas Mowers vs. Electric Mowers

The type of mower you choose can also influence its lifespan. Gas-powered mowers typically last between five and ten years, while electric mowers can last even longer, ranging from seven to ten years or more.

The difference in lifespan can be attributed to various factors, including the complexity of gas-powered engines and the wear and tear they experience over time.

Electric mowers, on the other hand, require less maintenance and have fewer moving parts, contributing to their extended lifespan.


Reel Mowers: Indefinite Lifespan with Proper Care

Old Rusty Lawn Mower Engine

Reel mowers, known for their simplicity and eco-friendliness, can last indefinitely when given the right care.

With multiple curved blades that cut like scissors, these mowers require regular sharpening to maintain their effectiveness.

On average and in my experience, the blades of a reel mower need to be sharpened every three years.

By providing proper maintenance and keeping the blades sharp, you can enjoy a lifetime of service from a reel mower.

Maintenance Matters

The key to extending the lifespan of your lawn mower lies in regular maintenance. Here are some essential maintenance tasks to keep your mower in top shape:

  • Clean the mower after each use to remove grass clippings and debris.
  • Change the oil regularly for gas-powered mowers.
  • Inspect and replace air filters as needed.
  • Sharpen the blades and replace them when necessary.
  • Check and tighten any loose nuts, bolts, or belts.
  • Store your lawn mower in a dry and protected area.
  • Use the right oil type for your mower.

Durability Factors Worth Considering

When purchasing a lawn mower, considering its durability and longevity is crucial. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Build Quality: Look for mowers made with high-quality materials and sturdy construction that can withstand regular use.
  • Brand Reputation: Research reputable brands known for producing reliable and long-lasting mowers.
  • Customer Reviews: Read reviews from other users to gauge the overall satisfaction and longevity of the mower you are considering.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Consider the maintenance tasks involved and choose a mower that aligns with your willingness to perform regular upkeep.

By taking careful consideration of these factors, you can choose a lawn mower that is built to last and meet your specific needs.

Remember, a well-maintained lawn mower not only lasts longer but also operates more efficiently, ensuring a pristine lawn with each mowing session.

So, take the time to understand the specific maintenance requirements of your chosen mower and develop a maintenance routine that keeps it in optimal condition.

The average lifespan of a lawn mower ranges from eight to ten years when proper care is provided.

Gas mowers typically last between five and ten years, while electric mowers can surpass the ten-year mark.

Reel mowers can last indefinitely with regular sharpening.



  • Article Topic: Lifespan of lawn mowers and factors influencing it.
  • Average Lifespan: Properly maintained mowers last 8-10 years, neglect reduces to 4-5 years, abuse to 2 years.
  • Gas Mowers vs. Electric Mowers: Gas mowers last 5-10 years, electric mowers 7-10+ due to fewer parts and maintenance.
  • Reel Mowers: Can last indefinitely with proper care and regular blade sharpening.
  • Maintenance for Longevity:
    • Clean mower after each use.
    • Regularly change oil for gas mowers.
    • Inspect and replace air filters.
    • Sharpen and replace blades as needed.
    • Tighten loose nuts, bolts, and belts.
    • Store in a dry, protected area.
    • Use appropriate oil type.
  • Choosing a Durable Lawn Mower:
    • Consider build quality and sturdy construction.
    • Research reputable brands with reliable mowers.
    • Read customer reviews for satisfaction and longevity.
    • Factor in maintenance requirements.
  • Conclusion:
    • Average mower lifespan: 8-10 years with care.
    • Gas mowers: 5-10 years, electric mowers: 7-10+ years.
    • Reel mowers can last indefinitely with blade care.
    • Choose a durable mower, maintain it, enjoy a well-manicured lawn for years.
  • Bonus: Well-maintained mowers can be salvaged for profit towards a new mower.